Thursday, October 1, 2015

Waiting Is Not Always Easy..... The Start of the 31 Day Challenge

Lately, I have been on a journey of discovering my true purpose, and discovering my true purpose means building a closer relationship with God. The journey has been a trying one because I have been faced with many obstacles, trials, and tough situations that have caused me to think "maybe I should turn back". Today, as I was scrolling through facebook I noticed a blog posting by a college friend. In her blog she discussed "The Waiting Place" and how all of us may be experiencing some type of waiting place. She also discussed how she was going to take on the Write31Days challenge. After reading, I decided to join the challenge because I am also in a waiting place. 

On Tuesday at Bible Study we discussed Habakkuk using the topic "It's Gonna Happen". The message was needed because Habakkuk was experiencing many feeling that I am currently feeling. I know many of us, including myself, often wonder why bad things happen to good people or why it seems that evil doers prosper. Sometimes waiting for change seems unbearable, which may cause us to question God. In Habakkuk 1, he is very unhappy with all of the violence, injustice, and wrong doing. He cries out to God and asks him why isn't he helping. God responds by reassuring him that he is going to do something and he is working on something that will amaze and shock him. Habakkuk responds by stating that he will wait for God's answer. 

Just like Habakkuk, many of us often pray to God about situations, thinking that we should get immediate answers. Often we expect God to answer as soon as we call out to him. We have to always remember that God hears our prayer, but sometimes it takes waiting. Waiting requires having faith and trust that God will answer our prayers. Also, we must remember that it may not happen at the time that we expect it to happen. God told Habakkuk to write down the vision and that it was not time for the message to come true, but the time is coming soon. He also told him to be patient and wait for it. 

So, when praying for something don't get discouraged when it seems that God isn't answering on your time. I understand that sometimes you may get flustered, and I think it is okay for you to talk to God about you frustrations. We all need reassurance sometimes. But remember that God wants us to have the desires of our hearts, and sometimes he has something bigger in store for us that requires more time. So, be patient, stay faithful, trust God, and when in doubt talk to God and ask for reassurance. 

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