Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Who Do You Have FAITH IN?

Yesterday, I defined faith. Today, I want to pose the question, "WHO DO YOU HAVE FAITH IN?" I ask this question because many of us put our faith in "(wo)man" instead of putting our faith in God. We look to man to do things that we should be looking to God to do. For example, we often look to man for acceptance, defining our identity, to pull us out of our darkness, and for things that only God can do. I think we disappoint ourselves when we put our faith in trust in anyone except God. On yesterday I defined faith as "complete confidence or trust in a person or thing." This means that we believe in the person or thing with certainty. My question is why choose to put faith in man or things, when we can put our faith in GOD, the most powerful.

Let's briefly talk about the power of God (let's look at his resume, which is too long to go over in one post). Here are some in no specific order:

  • God allowed Abraham and Sarah to birth a child despite their very old age. 
  • God healed the man with leprosy, the woman with the issue of blood, the man who could not see, and many more. 
  • God rescued the Israelites from oppression and parted the Red Sea so that they could escape. 
  • God spoke through a burning bush and even a donkey
This is only a few things that God has done. The list could go on and on and on. As you can see from this short list, God is beyond powerful. He is the best person to put our faith in. Why put your faith in man, who is not perfect? Why continue disappointed yourself by putting your faith in the wrong person? I think many of our problems come from expecting too much out of man, when we should be calling out to God. For example, when you find yourself in the same cycle over and over again, why would you continue to rely on your own strength and the strength of man to pull you out or to to help you understand it? Don't you think God knows why you are where you are? So, why not go to the person who knows everything about us, and who knows our purpose and destiny?

Don't get me wrong, God works through people, and there are some amazing people in this world. But, when it comes to your life, you should place all your cares on God, and have faith in him. He should always be your go to guy. Stop expecting your family and friends to perform miracles that only God can perform. Each time you do this, you are disappointing yourself. 

Tonight, I encourage you to think about problems, situations, and/or trials that you are dealing with. Next, think about how you have depended on yourself or man. Last, give it to God, and have faith in him. Have faith that he will solve whatever issues you have and help you to understand why you are where you are. Trust me, having faith in him is your best and only option. 

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