Saturday, October 31, 2015

Make time for GOD

Today is day 31, which ends the 31 day challenge. During this 31 day challenge I have done a lot of analyzing. When starting this challenge, I knew that it would be tough writing each day. I would have to find time to write each day, and my schedule was already jammed packed. Although my schedule was packed, I knew that I needed to do this challenge because I needed to draw closer to God. This challenge has helped me draw closer to God because it has allowed me to recognize issues and situations that prevent me from getting closer to him. 

Overall, the thirty day challenge has taught me that I should always make time to meditate and have some one on one time with the most important person in my life. I need to take time out of my schedule for God each day. Spending time with him will allow me to put things in to perspective and to release a lot of unwanted pressure. I must admit that this challenge has been my personal time with God. I have allowed him to use me throughout this process, and it has really been eye opening. 

I encourage each of you to find time throughout you day to spend it with only God. Choose to write, read, sing, or do whatever will clear your head. Just give God some personal time. Trust me when I say, that personal time will be life changing. You will feel renewed. You will get a boost of energy like no other. Make it a habit of giving him personal time. It may take waking a little earlier, going to bed a little later, or even taking time out of your lunch break. Where ever you find the time, give him that time, and watch how he works. 

When started the challenge, I said that I wanted to identify and work on flaws that are preventing me from getting closer to him. While I have discovered a lot of things, I am not completely there. The work must continue. I know that I am going to have to continue this journey. While the challenge ends today, I will make it a priority to give God his deserved time. I am not going to publish each day but I will make sure that I find ways to give him his time. So, I encourage each of you to make time for God every single day. 

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