Thursday, October 8, 2015

Are you in control of your emotions?

Tonight, I sat and pondered over a topic. I couldn't settle on one topic initially, but one topic weighed heavily on me. It weighed heavily because I was currently experiencing it. I was experiencing mixed and changing emotions. It seemed that my day started awesome only to end with a gloomy feeling. Sadly, it is normal for many of us to allow our emotions to be all over the place without any attempt to control them. It is okay to show different types of emotions, but it is not okay to allow small, unimportant things to control how we feel.

When we allow different things, (a comment, a text, something someone says, a picture), to cause us to feel a certain way, we are giving away our power to control our emotions. While we can't control what others do, we can control how we react. How we react will determine our emotional state. This means that we should always think about how our actions will affect our emotions. What good comes out of allowing situations and people  to cause us to feely gloomy, angry or sad? Yes, sometimes we will get angry and explode, but we should not allow the same thing to continuously get to us. No situation or person should ever have so much control over you that you can't control your own emotions. Don't give away your power. Instead, be strong and learn when to react and how to react.
Personally, controlling my emotions in certain situations have been very difficult. Sometimes, I would find myself blowing up or crying and later feeling awful because I didn't control how I felt. In some situations I even felt ashamed because I over reacted. Trust me when I say that nothing or no one deserves having the power to control how you will feel or react to situations.

To learn to control my emotions, I started taking a moment to think before I responded. I also started to remove myself from situations and people that seemed to bring out the negative emotions that I hated. Most importantly, I started to take control of my emotions. So, if you don't take anything from this "brief post", remember to think before every action. Think about how you will feel afterwards. Think about the consequences to that action. If the action means giving away control of your personal emotions or compromises you in anyway, do not take part in the action.

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