Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Being Thankful in the Mist of the Storm

Today I really struggled on a sub-topic to write about. I debated and debated, until I almost quit the challenge. I thought... would anyone notice if I didn't write today? My conscious told me not to, but I just couldn't think of anything to write about. As I was sitting and thinking I realized that it didn't matter if people noticed. When I decided to take part in the challenge, it was not about people reading the blog (I would like it if they do), but it was about my journey in finding my true purpose and getting close to "MY FATHER", God. So, I decided to stop worrying because I knew that before the night was over I would have the perfect topic.

So, after I left work, I called my mom, which is a ritual. We were talking about so many things, but we started discussing being thankful. I made the statement, "I'm just thankful for a roof over my head, a car to drive, and food to eat. I'm not content, but I am thankful for the things that I do have." I didn't think much of it at the time, but after strolling through facebook I noticed a status on being thankful and humble. At that moment, I realized that I would write about being thankful in the midst of trouble, difficult times, or even a season of waiting. 

I know it is very hard being thankful or happy when you are in the mist of hard times. It seems that all your mind can focus on is the fact that you are not where you want to be. I know the feeling personally because sometimes I sit and think about everything I want, what I want to be doing, or where I want to be going. Sometimes I fail to stop and smell the roses and realize how blessed I am to be where I am, have what I have, and to be doing what I am doing. While I am here complaining and unhappy, there is someone who aspires to be where I am. I think it is very selfish of me or anybody to sit and be ungrateful and not thank God for the things he has provided us with.

One important thing to remember is that someone is always going through something much greater than you are. I know that lately, I have tried very hard to catch myself when I start to form my own pity party and wish that I was here or had this or that. I try to snap out of it and think of all of the things that God has blessed me with. For example, many complain about bills and having to spend most of their funds on those bills. Well, Guess What? There are many without jobs or who have been evicted for no money to pay their bills. It took me seeing others struggle to realize how much God blesses me daily. No, I have not reached all of my goals, and I am not where I desire to be, but I THANK GOD for where I am. When I look at my life, I realize that he blesses me and shows me favor so much. 

So, If you don't take anything from this post, just remember to be thankful. Stop focusing on what you don't have and focus on what you do have. Learn to say Thank You for what you have now, and maybe he will bless you with what you want later. We have to learn to be thankful regardless of our circumstances. 

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