Friday, October 23, 2015

Winning the Small Battles to Win the War!!!!

Dreams, Goals, Short-term, & Long-term. We all have dreams and goals that we work hard each day to achieve. The reality of accomplishing these goals is that we don't accomplish them over night. It takes planning, hard work, and dedication. For instance, if your goal is to become a nurse, you don't just become a nurse over night. It takes studying, clinical, exams, and boards. It's a step by step process. Each step get's more difficult. Well, that is how life is. We have plans for our lives and it is a step by step process. In each step, we are faced with challenges that we have to get through in order to move on to the next step. In other words, you have to win the small battles to win the entire war.

Think about it. WWI and WWII was comprised of minor and major battles. Soldiers battled to win the minor and major battles in hopes of winning the entire war. The soldiers also understood that they could not ignore the smaller battles, and still win the war. They put their all into all battles keeping the bigger picture in mind. The soldiers fought hard to win one battle after another, until the entire war was won. Well, this is exactly how we should view our dreams and goal in life.
Our main goal or plan is the war, and the steps taken to accomplish the goal or plan are there battles. Remember that you have to work hard to accomplish each minor and major goal because it will get you closer to your ultimate plans. I thought about this a lot today, as a I working towards one of my goals. I was frustrated because it seemed that I had a million things to do, and nothing was coming together. I was close to saying forget it, but I realized that I had to take this next step to reach my ultimate goal. I could not give up on the minor things, and expect to accomplish the major things. I couldn't chicken out now.

I want to encourage you to work hard at all you do. While you may think it is unnecessary or not worth putting you all into the minor battles, remember that they are only preparing you for the entire war. Don't allow life's circumstances distract you or cause you to lose the battles. While in the minor and major battles, think about winning the war. Think about how you will feel when you accomplish the goal you have worked so hard for. Remember, you have to win the small battles to win the war.

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