Saturday, October 3, 2015

She did this, He did this, They did This..... So, What did you do? Taking Ownership

Day 3!!! Flaws that hinder my relationship with God? Hmmm.... After much thought I realized that taking ownership is a big problem. Taking ownership means that you are openly saying that you were wrong in a situation, which can be hard for many. In many situations I have struggled with owning up to my part because I was too prideful or "stubborn" to admit that I had done something wrong. Sometimes we confuse taking ownership with weakness, but we must separate the two.
I know most of us have heard the statement, "when you point the finger at someone, three fingers are pointing back at you". That's true! When we blame others, we fail to take into account what role we played in the situation. Looking back at my past relationships, friendships, and other situations, I have realized that in many of them I failed to take ownership. I wonder if a simple apology would have saved some of those friendships, relationships, or situations. I allowed my pride and fear of appearing weak get in the way of doing what was right and mature. It is so easy blaming someone else until blaming others become the norm.

Although taking ownership may not eliminate or fix the problem, it shows maturity. Proverbs 28:13 says "whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy." Hiding our transgressions (failing to take ownership) prevent healing and moving forward. Whether we want to admit it or not, when we mishandle situations we don't completely move forward. A part of the situation tends to linger with us like excess baggage. Taking ownership isn't solely about the other person, it is about you as well. Taking ownership gets rid of that excess baggage so that you can go into new friendships, relationships, and situations with a clear mind and heart.

So, the point of this all is to encourage everyone to start taking ownership when they contribute to hurting, offending, or mistreating others. Whether it is something simple or a big blow out, admit your part in it. I'm not saying that you have to be overly consumed with the situation, but admit your wrong and move forward. Remember taking ownership does not equate weakness, it shows maturity. Personally, there are some situations that I have analyzed and realized that I played a part in the demise. So, from this point forward I am going to work hard in taking ownership for my part in situations.

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