Monday, October 26, 2015

Waiting is teaching me patience

Have you ever wanted something so bad that you can't get it off of your mind? You checked your phone, email, Facebook account, or messages compulsively. If only it would happen right now.  Well, I am guilty of all of those things. When waiting for something I really want or need, I easily become obsessed with it. If something doesn't happen quickly, I wait anxiously. My mind does not rest. My anxiety sometimes turns into anger. To be honest, I think I turn into a "mad woman". My emotions are usually all over the place. One minute, happy and patiently waiting, the next minute being confident that it will happen soon, then nervous because it isn't happening, and then sad because I am on the brink of giving up, and then angry because I just don't understand why it's taking so long. The crazy thing about all of the emotions is that I usually experience all of them in one day.

Well, lately I have been forced to wait on some things. Initially, I was very impatient and (grumpy), but currently I am accepting my period of waiting. I have realized that being upset, anxious, and sad about waiting only makes waiting more miserable. Sitting around thinking about it makes it seem like you are waiting that much longer. Instead of focusing on what you are waiting for, focus on the present. Focus on what you can be and should be doing now. Trust me. I know that it is easier said than done. Although it may be hard, you must not worry and be frantic over your period of waiting.

I have decided to use this time to better myself. The first thing on that list is patience. If your waiting period doesn't teach you anything, it will teach you patience. We live in a world where it seems that you can get pretty much everything in an instance. There are so many options to speed up things. For example, TV dinners give you a meal in minutes or you can order something today and have it delivered the next day. Everything seems to happen in the blink of an eye. Sadly, everything doesn't work that way. Some things we have to wait for. Sometimes God makes us wait for what we have prayed for, and in this instant world it is very difficult to wait. Waiting is where you will learn to be patient if you don't learn anything else.

So, if you don't take anything from this post, please remember that you can't rush your waiting period. God has the perfect timing for what you are praying for. Don't drive yourself crazy wondering if it will happen today, tomorrow, or the next day. It may not happen for a week, a month, or a year. Don't focus on when it will happen because it will only play on your emotions. There is no need to get upset, just trust that God will provide you with your needs. Overall, learn to be patient. Patience will not only save you from being an emotional wreck, but it will also allow you to enjoy your period of waiting. So, don't learn the hard way as I did, allow your waiting period to teach you patience.

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