Sunday, October 25, 2015

Stop Complaining So Much!!!

Complaining! Most of us complain, some of us more than others. When we are unhappy, angry, or disappointed, it is easy for us to complain. While it is perfectly fine to complain, it is not okay to complain excessively. I'm sure most of us know someone (or it may be us) that complains all of the time. It seems that the person is never happy or content. I know that I complain, but I try my best to be thankful for my current state because there is always someone doing worse. Yes, sometimes complaining is ok, but to do it all of the time makes you seem ungrateful. Remember, complaining usually want help this situation. So, here's some reasons you should stop complaining.

1. Complaining only makes you feel worse.

When you complain, it only makes you think about your current situation. It doesn't fix the situation or make it better. It forces you to continue to dwell on the problem. Complaining erases all of the positive and shines the light on the negative. I have personally experienced this. I would get angry and start to complain, and I would only feel worse. Instead of trying to find the good in the situation, complaining caused me to focus on everything that wasn't going right. 

2. Complaining makes you look ungrateful.

When things don't seem to go my way, I have to think that there is someone worse off than me. No, I'm not happy that there is someone doing worse, but I realize that I am blessed with where I am. When we complain it makes it seem as if we are not happy with what we have been blessed with. We need to learn that it okay to be upset, but we have to learn to let it go, and than God for what we do have. You have to learn to be grateful and joyful where you are before you can be blessed with more. So, don't get caught complaining so much until you become ungrateful.

3. Complaining only wastes your time.

Question? When you complain, does it fix the situation? Does it make you feel better? Does it change what happened? I'm sure the answer is no. So, why complain? Complaining is a complete waste of time. It doesn't serve you any purpose. The time and energy used complaining could be used to find a solution to whatever problem you may have. Spend that extra breathe singing praises or speaking positive into your life. Just don't waste it complaining about something you probably have no control over.

4. Complaining can drive people away.

All of us have problems. All of us choose to deal with our problems differently. Be mindful when you complain because there may be someone going through something that does not need to hear the negative. Some people may want to surround themselves with positive, so they may distance themselves from you because of your complaining. Complaining can be draining. NO person enjoys hearing someone rant and rave about negative stuff all of the time. SO, if you find yourself complaining all of the time, and you notice people being distant, that is probably why. Sometimes people just want to talk, and here the positive that is occurring in your life.

I wrote this post to encourage you to find the positive in situations. Don't focus on the negative all of the time. Count your blessings when you feel down and out. Don't sit around and complain. Complaining will not make you feel better. It will not fix the situation. So, do not waste your time. When you are faced with disappointment, anger, or any situation that encourages you to complain, express yourself and move on. DO NOT start your own pity party. Just remember that someone else may be praying to be where you are. SO, DON'T COMPLAIN.

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