Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong, or IS IT?

I'm sure most of us have heard the statement, "Wrong is Wrong, and Right is Right". Does this statement apply to everyone, including family and friends? Does it only apply to people you don't know, like, or are not close with? Does it apply to you? I ask these questions because many of us believe the statement, but use it loosely when it applies to ourselves or family and friends. I have witnessed people defend wrong because of a personal relationship or association rather than be honest and stand for what is right (I'm guilty myself). It shouldn't matter who the person is, if they are wrong then they are wrong. If they are right, then they are right.

It troubles me that right and wrong becomes blurred when we start to involve our feelings, personal relationships, opinions, and personal beliefs. A person's status, occupation, finances, or any other attribute should never be a factor in determining whether the person is right or wrong.  For example, your friend makes a completely inappropriate statement to someone that you are not completely fond of or you don't know. You know that the statement your friend made is wrong and out of place, but because that is your friend you don't correct it or say anything. Instead, you agree with your friend, for the sake of friendship. My question is, "what good does it serve you or the friend"? Some may say loyalty. Sorry to tell you, that is not loyalty. Loyalty is defined as a strong feeling of support or allegiance. Support and allegiance does not mean contributing to a person's wrong doing. Contributing to a person's wrong doesn't help them, but harms them.

Think about this. Would you like someone to do wrong to you, but get away with it because of who they are? Wouldn't that make you feel less than? Wouldn't you agree that you deserve the same respect as everyone else? Well, when you uphold the wrong of others, you are contributing to them doing wrong. You are saying that everyone does not deserve the same respect. I am pretty sure you would not want to be done that way. If someone is wrong, they are just wrong. It is okay to express that. No, you don't have to make a scene about them being wrong, but you definitely should not condone it. Also, if the person doesn't want or expect you to be honest with them, then maybe you should rethink your association with them.

So, tonight I encourage you stand up for what is right. Don't jump on board with behaviors that you know is wrong. It should not matter if it is a friend, family, or role model. If it is wrong, it's just wrong. Don't get caught condoning wrong because one day it may be you who are being wronged with others jumping on the bandwagon. So, if you believe the statement "Right is Right, and Wrong is Wrong", stand by it regardless of who it affects.

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