Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Accepting Help Doesn't Make You Helpless...

It is so common for people to be quick to help others, but slow to accept help. I know that I am one of those people. I have no problem jumping to someone else's rescue, but I am skeptical of allowing someone else to jump to my rescue. There have been times when I desperately needed help, but I struggled with putting my pride to the side and simply asking for help. I am sure this is the same for many people. Most of us are so used to playing "Super Man" of "Super Woman", and are so used to doing things on our own, until we ignore the signs that help is needed. Many of us are taught to be strong, independent, and self-sufficient, which causes us to view help as a weakness. Today, I am here to tell you to "LEARN TO ACCEPT THE HELP".

First, get it out of your head that help is a sign of weakness. Help doesn't mean that you can't do something, or that you are not capable or qualified to do it. It also does not mean that someone can do it better. Help can lift a burden, make the task easier, or more enjoyable. Remember, God knows when we are overwhelmed, and he will send help to relieve some stress. Our plates may be too full, and the help will allow us to get more done or to get it done on time. We shouldn't compromise ourselves or the task at hand all because we want to be stubborn. Let's admit it, sometimes we just can't do it by ourselves, and that is okay.

I am all for independence, but sometimes we have to be dependent. I am all for believing in yourself, but sometimes we have to believe in others. I think many of us have been taught not to depend on others, which has lead to us believing in only in our own abilities. Yes, this is good, but sometimes we just will not be able to get the job done. Sometimes we may be down or in a situation where we have to rely on someone else. This is the case often. We get so caught up in our day to day lives, that sometimes we forget where our strength and help really comes from. We start to think that we are doing things on our own, when really it is God who is allowing us to do those things. In some cases we also forget the people in the background who are helping us accomplish things. So, it takes going through something that requires help to make us realize that we aren't doing things alone and that we need GOD first, and other people as well.

I want you to think about times that you were in a situation or dealing with something and you needed help. Did you allow you pride or super (wo)man attitude to prevent you from getting help? Did you feel less than or weak for needing the help? I can honestly say that this has been me. I am so used to being the one to help others and get things done, until when I was in situations that required help, I would resist it until it was almost too late. I didn't like the idea of me needing help. It honestly felt weird. Sometimes I even felt like I had failed. I know that the people closest to me probably thought I was losing it because I would even lash out at them for trying to help. It wasn't that I didn't need the help, it was the fact that I was so used to trying to be independent. I had to learn that receiving help did not make me any less independent. The extra help and assistance would actually help me to be more independent.

So, I encourage you to take the HELP when needed. Don't think that you have failed when you find yourself in situations that require help. Also, thank anyone that has helped you because if you are anything like me, helping you is not always easy. LAST, remember "ACCEPTING HELP DOES NOT MAKE YOU HELPLESS.

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