Saturday, October 24, 2015


Today was a really great day. My entire day, I was surrounded by family, food, and fun. Initially, I was very hesitant about going to the Octoberfest because I didn't not feel up to being in the crowd. After several of my family members called, I perked up and decided to go. I arrived late, and when I did I saw many of my family members sitting around a table. Immediately, I joined in and I must admit, I had the best time I had had in a long time. I realized that I had been so consumed with life, that I had forgotten how fun it is to be in the company of family. I didn't plan to write about this tonight, but someone reading may need this.

I grew up knowing that family was important. I grew up being around family all of the time. It was normal for us to have celebrations and gatherings and spend hours laughing and having fun. However, after all of us grew up and started having our own lives, the gatherings seemed to change. We were all now consumed with making better lives for ourselves until we weren't putting in the normal family time. I know personally, I would spend all week doing a million things, only to be too exhausted on the weekends to do anything. I would rather sit home and do nothing than do the normal family time. I didn't realize that I was missing out on the family time until tonight.

Something about tonight, brought me back to the times when we weren't so consumed with our own lives. For the moment, if felt like none of us had any worries, errands, or tasks that would prevent us from enjoying ourselves. We were laughing, talking, and being plain silly. Tonight reminded me that I should start making time for that family time more often. Instead of being focused on the million things I have to do, I should spend some time focusing on bonding with my family like in the past.

While you may not understand this post, I encourage you to spend time doing the things that matter most. I know all of us have busy lives. I know we all feel like we don't have enough time in the day to get what we need done. Although we want to spend free time how we want it, we need to make time for the important people in our lives. I promise, today gave me the boost that I needed. Today, I felt secure and happy. I felt great being in the company with the one's I loved and whom I know has my back. It felt great sitting and having fun like the past. From this point forward I promise that I will take a break from my stressful and busy life, and spend time with MY AWESOME FAMILY.

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