Thursday, October 15, 2015

It's okay to be selfish sometimes!!!!!

First, let me start by saying that this 31 day challenge has really been therapeutic and has forced me to acknowledge a lot of things I needed to change. Initially, I thought it would be a hassle figuring out what to write about, but I can honestly say ideas and thoughts have been constantly flowing. Well, today, I realized that I was in dire need of a vacation. I need to get away with no distractions. Why do I need a vacation? Because I do not say NO enough. I realized that sometimes you just have to be selfish. While many people think being selfish is a bad thing, it is a healthy thing as well. Think about it. Most of us wear several different hats. We are devoted mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, friends, coworkers, and so much more. If you happen to be a parent, you wear many other hats. For example, as a parent you play housekeeper, doctor, counselor, playmate, problem solver, and everything your child needs you to be. So, trust me when I say it is okay to be selfish sometimes.

While thinking, I also realized that most of us choose to carry the problems and burdens of others. All of us have those family members, friends, and associates who choose us to vent to. Even when our own lives are hectic, we still find time to listen, and occasionally offer some advice. Well, being the ear and shoulder for someone else on top of wearing all of your own hats can be very burdensome and draining so you should say no and be selfish sometimes. So, here's five reasons you should be selfish.

1. Superhero's are fictional characters who have supernatural powers. You are a "real" person, so you are not a superhero, meaning that you do not possess the power to carry the weight of the world.

All of us at some point in our lives have played "superhero" for our family, friends, employer, associates, organizations, or church. When asked to do something we feel inclined to say yes, even if our plates are already running over. We act like we can create more hours in a day, more days in a week, more weeks in a month, and more months in a year. We act like we can live off ZERO sleep, a POOR diet, and NO energy. Instead of saying not this time, we pretend to be supernatural and take on the task. Well, I am sorry to say "superheros" belong in books and fantasy lands. If you know your plate is already full and running over, do not pretend that you have the time and energy. Say no. Yes, you may want to help, but you simply can not. RETIRE THE CAPE AND SUPERHERO ATTIRE AND SAY NO.

2. Although you care about your friends and family, you can't fix their problems, and you should not destroy yourself trying.

We all have those friends and family that call us every time they have a problem. Sometimes it is the same problem. We listen for hours only to reach no solution. It's an ongoing cycle. While you care and desire helping, it can be very draining. Although our family and friends are important parts of our lives, some situations should be left to them to fix. Instead of enabling and picking up the phone for the same conversation a million times. STEP BACK AND STOP PRETENDING TO BE A COUNSELOR AND USE THAT ENERGY TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF.

3. Those things that you think need your immediate attention probably can wait.

Some days are more draining than others. On those rough days, it seems that you have a million things to get done. You run around with no sense of direction which makes things that more chaotic. You feel overwhelmed, and every little thing seems to tick you off. Well, Guess What? You probably need to abandon a few things for the day, and take a much needed WOOSAH. If you don't make it to the dry cleaners, or wash that load of clothes, the world will not end. Your sanity is much more important than a load of clothes. So, IF NEEDED ABANDON A CHORE OR ERRAND, THE WORLD WILL NOT END.

4. When you break down, some of the same people you broke down over will not be there to assist you in your recovery.

Ok. Let's be honest. How many times have you broken down and felt you had no one to call? Have you ever been at the brink of a melt down, and the same person you talk off the ledge seems to be too busy? Well, that is a common thing. Most times, the person you are always there for, will not return the favor. Instead of focusing on your issues, it is common for them to continue to focus on their own issues. I don't think it is a purposeful thing, but some people just feel that you have it all together and doesn't realize when you are having a melt down. So, GET SOME REST, AND AVOID MELT DOWNS.

5. Taking some "ME TIME" is good for you and everyone you encounter.

Last, when you don't take me time, you feel crazy. You start to half do things, and make crazy choices. When you don't take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally, you are not as sharp. To prevent going crazy "TAKE SOME TIME FOR RELAXATION".

So, the main goal of this post is to encourage everyone to take time for themselves. Many of us are so used to taking care of everybody else until we forget to take care of ourselves. Failing to take care of ourselves takes a toll on our lives in every aspect. Instead of over working ourselves, we need to learn to be SELFISH. So, every now and then miss a phone call, ignore a text, stay away from social media, skip a meeting, sleep in, take a walk, or get away. JUST REMEMBER, IT'S OKAY TO BE SELFISH SOMETIMES.

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