Friday, October 2, 2015

When Friendly Competition Turns You into a Mean Girl!!!

So, it's day two of the 31 day challenge and after posting the last blog I realized that I failed to clearly state the topic or theme of my blogs. My topic/theme is flaws or situations that hinder my relationship with God. This topic is extremely important for me because in order for me to discover and fulfill my ultimate purpose I have to understand the not so pretty things that get in the way of me being a better me.

On last night while in the shower (yes, I do my best thinking in the shower), I was thinking about what I could possibly write about on day two. The words "Mean Girl" and "Competition" came to mind. The world is filled with competition. Whether it is being competitive on the football field or competing for the highest average in class, competition is everywhere. "Friendly" competition can be good, but when taken to the extreme it can cause jealousy, hatred, anger, and many other negative behaviors or actions. For the most part I think many of us naturally have a competitive nature. Although it is okay to be competitive, there should always be a healthy balance, but that balance may be hard to establish.

So, I know you may be wondering where I am going with this. I promise this post wasn't intended to be a lecture on competition. My problem with competition is that sometimes people, including myself take competition to a different level and into situations where it does not belong. When we get overly competitive we start to envy others, become jealous, bitter, and "plain ole mean".  I have noticed competition turn people into mean girls (and boys), and I must admit that has been me in many situations. The natural competitiveness coupled with the desire to lead has often driven me to have that mean girl mentality. In Luke 22:24-30, the apostles argued about who was the most important. God tells them that "the greatest among them should be like the youngest and the leader should be like the servant." God wants us to understand that being first does not mean you are the best. God wants us to to humbly serve. 

Remember that it is okay to want to be great, but it does not take tearing down and envying others. Also, don't allow success and achievements to cause you to become a "Mean Girl/Boy"; Always remain humble.

I will leave you with this funny story that I ran across. Muhammad Ali, was known for often bragging, "I'm the greatest." Just before take-off on an airline flight, the stewardess reminded Ali to fasten his seatbelt. "Superman don't need no seatbelt," Ali told her. The stewardess retorted, "Superman don't need no airplane, either." Ali fastened his seatbelt. 

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