Monday, October 12, 2015


I know most of us have heard the saying "Don't forget where you come from". Well, I will like to expand on that saying. Never forget what you have gone through. No, you don't have to dwell on it, but don't forget the blood, sweat, tears before the accomplishments and success. Many of us are quick to put the struggle behind us, and act as if there was never a struggle (or hardship). Yes, be happy with what you have accomplished, but REMAIN HUMBLE. I have witnessed, and been guilty, of allowing my accomplishments to mask my past struggles.

Being humble is very important. Being humble allows you to be empathetic. Empathy is important because it allows us to understand and relate to the feeling and problems of others. Sometimes we get so caught up into our own success and status, until we forget those who may be struggling. Instead of being empathetic and providing encouragement, we act as if we have never been down. Today, I sat and reminisced on my trials, tough times, tears, and disappointments. I also thought about my achievements and accomplishments. I began to realize that in my success, I didn't really humble myself. I allowed pride to blind me.

In 1 Peter 5:6, God tells us to "humble ourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift us up in honor". This means that God doesn't want us to walk around with "big heads" acting as if we are responsible for our on fate. God wants us to humble ourselves. He wants us to remember those things that we went through. He never wants us to think that we are more than others. When we learn to be humble, God promises that he will exalt us.

Please don't think that I am saying not to be proud of your success. Be proud. Be happy. Celebrate. Share your moments. Do all of these things, but do not look down on others in the process. I have witnessed others look down on others for being in situations that they were once in. Don't allow success to cause you to forget how to be empathetic for others. Use your success to push and motivate others. Use your success as a teachable moment. Just don't allow yourself to become arrogant.

So, I encourage each of you to sit and think about your accomplishments. After thinking about your accomplishments, think about the blood, sweat, and tears that helped you get to those accomplishments. Also, think about times you failed to be humble (I'm sure all of us has). Last, always make an effort to be humble and empathetic to others. Remember, God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6).

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