Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Forgive, Forgive, and Forgive!!!

All of us have experienced being hurt, betrayed, lied to, or anything that has led us to hold a grudge. Sometimes we get so angry until we despise being in the same room with the person. Instead of dealing with the situation and moving on, we choose to bury the anger deep inside. We don't realize that we are giving that individual power over us and our emotions. We are holding ourselves back by not forgiving and just letting it go. If every time we think about this person and what they have done, we get mad then that means that we have allowed that person to negatively affect us. We should never give anyone the power to control how we act, react, or feel.

I know it's hard to forgive when you are constantly reminded of the event that caused you to be angry or hurt in the first place. Although you may be hurt or upset, you have to remember that we hurt God often, but he doesn't hold a grudge. He forgives us and continues to give to us abundantly. How can we expect God to ever be so forgiving of us, when we hold a grudge until God knows when. Some of us are holding on to grudges from 10 years ago. The person we are angry at, probably has forgotten all about the situation. That person probably has moved on and isn't given any thought to what we are mad over. This is why we need to learn to forgive and move on.

No, I want say that you must forget about the situation, but we must forgive. I firmly believe that it is okay to remember that situation as long as you have forgiven and do not let it control your feelings and emotions. The situation should be viewed as a lesson learned. Think about what you learned and how you grew from the situation. You know now never to make the same mistake or allow the same behavior. Think about it, you are smarter now. So, forgive the person and thank them for making you a better person. And do not worry if they care or accept the apology. That part is solely on them. Once you do your part don't worry about the rest.

So remember to forgive, forgive, and forgive as much as you need to. Trust me, each time you will grow and become wiser, stronger, and much happier. You will no longer be holding on to hurts and pains from the past. You will feel free. So, each time you feel yourself holding a grudge, remember how you mess up or fall short, and how God forgives without thinking twice.

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