Thursday, January 1, 2015

Seven Day Detox!!!!

7 Day Detox
Day 1:
  • Theme: Identifying Toxins.
  • Why: Many of us diet and think about the foods and drinks that we consume. None of us will voluntarily drink something that is gross or disgusting. We should do the same with toxins that are not edible. We need to become aware of situations or things that poison our mind. A renewing mind and spirit makes for a better life. 
  • Exercise: Make a list (You don’t have to write it down) of all of the toxic or negative things that you do. This can be a behavior, certain people you associate with, or a habit (anything that is not spiritually healthy for you). 
  • Spiritual Exercise: Wake up five to ten minutes early and spend the time meditating, praying, or in silence. Use this time to claim a great day. 

Day 2:
  • Theme: Changing the Way You Think.
  • Why: Thinking negatively can determine the outcome in situations. When you think negative, you expect and accept negative. You begin to become accustomed to negative behaviors, negative thoughts, negative attitudes, and even negative people. You don’t see the bigger picture, which results in you most likely feeling sorry for yourself and situation. Instead of looking at the bright side of things and moving forward, you remain in the same predicament.
  • Exercise: Each time you feel angry about something, think about the positive. It happened, you can’t change it so think about the good that comes from it. Don’t let mishaps, misfortunes, or things you can’t control affect your positive thoughts.
  • Spiritual Exercise: Each time something does not go your way during the day, immediately stop and think about the good. This may require getting angry and going back and reflecting on the situation. 

Day 3:
  • Theme: Forgiving
  • Why: Holding a grudge. Oh, how easy it can be. You hold the grudge and the grudge soon takes over you. The situation or person gains control over you. You let the grudge control your behavior, emotions, actions, and sometimes your life. Letting will give you fresh air and a fresh start. It will allow you to move forward, while taking the situation and learning from it. You no longer have to deal with the grudge. that battle is for the other person. They no longer have control; you do!
  • Exercise: Think of situations that really hurt you whether a person hurt you or whether an unfortunate event occurred. Now, think about what you learned and the positive. Now thank God for that lesson or the situation. If a person hurt you forgive then and thank them for the lesson.
  • Spiritual Exercise: If there is someone that you may be holding a grudge with, speak with them and forgive them. Thank them for the learning lesson. Let go of the hurt, pain, and feeling of betrayal. If you don’t have the courage to speak with them write it down and then tear the paper up. Now that you have forgiven do not dwell on it anymore; the situation is now a thing of the past. 

Day 4:
  • Theme: Asking for Forgiveness
  • Why: Asking for forgiveness is hard because many of us don’t want to admit that we were wrong. This is needed because it shows your maturity and that you want to move forward. It shows the person that you are taking the initiative to admit your fault and that you understand you were wrong. 
  • Exercise: It is easy to think about things, people, and situations that have hurt us, but we don’t always acknowledge when we hurt others. Make a list, mentally or on paper, of people you have hurt. 
  • Spiritual Exercise: Choose someone that you know that you have really hurt and sincerely, wholeheartedly apologize. Ask for their forgiveness. It would be great if the person accepts the apology and forgive you, but that is their decision. You are doing your part by asking for forgiveness.

Day 5: 
  • Theme: Don’t Be Scared; Fear Not.
  • Why: Fear is paralyzing. It can stop you right in your tracks. It can stop progression. Fear means that you are lacking faith. God doesn’t want us to go around fearing everything because that means that we do not trust him. Let go of the fear and worry and trust and have faith in God. 
  • Exercise: Think about things that you are afraid of and that is preventing you from growing. It can be something small. Think about ways you can overcome that fear. Think about how overcoming the fear will allow you to grow or move forward. 
  • Spiritual Exercise: Face a fear head on. Take steps to eradicating that fear. 

Day 6: 
  • Theme: Talk the Talk
  • Why: There is power in the tongue. You should speak positive things into existence. Stop discussing the bad things and talk about the good things to come. 
  • Exercise: Now that you have identified the toxins, started thinking positive, got rid of baggage by asking for forgiveness and forgiving, and said not to fear, it is time to speak positive. Speak positive into bad situations. Use your anger to speak positive instead of negative. Avoid speaking negative.
  • Spiritual Exercise: Compliment someone. Don’t let it be a generic compliment. Give it some thought and make someone’s day by speaking of your admiration for them. 

Day 7:

  • Theme: Walk the Walk
  • Why: You can’t just think and talk forever. You have to do good works. You have to show that you are willing to be a Servant for God. 
  • Exercise: Now that you can think it and talk it, it’s time to do it. Think about positive things that you can do in place of the negative things. If something is going to drag you back to your negative way of thinking don’t do it. 
  • Spiritual Exercise: Gather with another individual or a group of friends and do something positive. 

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