Monday, January 5, 2015

Let's Face It TURNING AWAY should not be that hard

Today is the first day of the Spiritual Detox and the theme is "Identifying Toxins". The song that immediately came to mind was Turning Away by Bryan Wilson. The chorus portion of the song says : "I’m turning away from the things that I do that I know aren’t pleasing in your sight"
"I’m turning away from the messed up mindset and the things that I know aren’t right"
"I’m turning away from the past the hurt and shame, all the things that had me bound".

I listened to the song a couple of times this morning, and then I began to think about the toxic people, behaviors, and things that I needed to turn away from. There was one thing that was at the top of my list, and I didn't have to think twice about it. There are some things that we know are not good for us, but we hold on foolishly. I know that God has sent me so many signs and signals to rid my self of things, but many times I did not listen. I resisted and I allowed the toxin to become stronger and stronger. The more I resisted the harder it became to get rid of the toxin. I was allowing the toxins to control me. I started making excuses and feeling sorry for myself, when I was the one responsible for my current situation. I started feeling stuck, but I shouldn't have felt stuck.

For instance, the song says "I'm turning away" not Lord, I am stuck, I want to turn away or I am trying to turn away. The artist is speaking about doing it. We have a choice. When something is not pleasing to God and it is destroying us spiritually, emotionally, physically, or mentally, we need to turn away from it. Don't empower the toxins and allow the toxins to play tricks on your mind. The toxins will have you thinking that you are not strong enough to turn away, when really you are. Think about it. We all do things that we probably shouldn't do. Some of those things may even feel soooo right, but we know its not good for us. Guess what, we still do it. At that moment, we were turning away from logic, we were turning away from what's good for us, and in a sense we were turning away from God.

If we can turn away from God who is responsible for providing all our needs, then surely it should not be hard to turn away from something that doesn't mean us any good in the first place. Step out on faith and get rid of the toxins. Turn away from it and choose what's best for you. I am going to listen to my own advice and get rid of the toxins that were on my list, and I hope you will too.

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