Friday, January 2, 2015


About two weeks ago, I decided to dine in at waffle house for lunch. As I entered the restaurant, I noticed that it was busy and I had two options, sit at the bar or sit in a booth alone. As I walked over to the booth I noticed a sign that said please leave booths for 2 or more people. In an attempt to follow directions I moved to the bar. As I sat down, I heard the waitress say "I want be getting a good tip, I'm ready to go I hadn't made no money all day." I pretended I did not hear it because at this point I just want to order my food, eat, and return to work. Yes, I was bothered by her comment, but that was a battle that I did not have the time or energy to fight. I could have easily snapped at her, left the restaurant, or gave her an evil side eye. I didn't; I chose to take another route. When she came for my drink order she said "What ya want to drink"? I responded, "Hi, How Are You? I Will Like a Sprite Please. Thank You." She just walked away and proceeded to fix my drink. She came back and asked "What ya getting"? I replied pleasantly with my order, and followed up with a Thank You. She walked away again, not acknowledging my thank you.

An older man came to sit next to me, and it appeared that he had already ordered his food. She quickly came to ask him how he was doing. I looked amazed. Is this the same person who would not greet me, and who had assumed that I would not leave a decent tip? She went as far as telling this guy about her day and inquiring about his day. I still didn't get angry. So she brings me my food, and I say thank you again. No surprise, she says nothing. She brings the guy next to me his food and she says "Enjoy your meal sir, and if you need anything let me know." By this time, the angel is on my right and the devil is on my left. I hear the devil saying, "don't let her get away with it; forget being nice." Fast forward. We both are about done with our meal, when another waitress approached me and noticed my name badge from work. She says, "Ma'am, you work at the Supreme Court"? I said yes, I do. She proceeded to ask if I am an attorney, and I tell her no, but I am in my last year of law school. She goes on to tell me that she is in school to become a paralegal and that she is proud to see someone young doing such thing. We talk for a few more minutes.

By this time my waitress returns, and slides my ticket on the table. I get up and head to register to pay. Guess what, she doesn't even attempt to check me out. She tells the other waitress, "Check her out, I am trying to clean this up." I know she is probably mad because I didn't leave a tip on the table because I didn't have any cash. When the "nice" waitress swipes my card and give me the receipt I asked, "Will my waitress receive the full tip if I leave it from the card." She said yes. My bill was only $10.60 and I left a tip of $10.00, making it a total of $20.60. After handing the receipt back I say to my waitress, "I heard you say that you were having a bad day, I hope this helps." She looks shocked and I tell them to have a good day and leave. Oh, let me remind you that the older guy left a tip of two dollars.

I say all of this to say, don't judge people based on there appearance. Treat everyone the same because you don't know a person's situation, capabilities, financial status, or anything about the person. Don't cast judgment on a person because of what you may think they are, give them a chance. No, I did not go into waffle house to spend twenty dollars on a ten dollar meal. I really didn't have the money to spare. But for some reason God put it on my heart to be a blessing to her on that day. Yes, she treated me like crap and probably didn't work for the tip, but I needed to show her that you don't treat people wrong just because you have been wronged or is having a bad day. I could have easily treated her exactly the same, but I would have only been proving her right. She had already made up in her mind that I was going to be another patron who did not leave a tip. If I would have yelled, stormed out, or asked for another waitress she would have been correct. I left Waffle House feeling excellent, not because of the tip, but because I was able to control my reaction to a negative situation.

If you don't take anything from this post, remember these two things. First, don't let how others treat you determine how you will treat them. Second, treat everyone with respect because you never know when you will be dining with the KING himself.

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