Saturday, January 3, 2015

I am SOOO Glad that God doesn't take BREAKS!!!

Imagine being in a situation and you called on God and he said "hey pray to me later, I am on lunch break." You wait 30 mins or 1 hour, and begin to pray again. This time he doesn't even pick up. Maybe you get the voicemail. Maybe he rejects the call. He calls back minutes later and says "Oh, I was running late from my break, now I can help you." I know this would cause us to go through several different emotions, and I am sure we would not feel that important. We may even feel abandoned during that lunch break. But, Guess What? We do it all the time. I know I do.

At work, when I get tired of staring at two computer screens or looking at records, guess what I go on break. When I get tired of studying and the words begin to run together, I go on break. Whenever I get hungry, I go on a lunch break. Truthfully, a few months ago (I probably should phrase that better because it has been longer than two months) I went on a spiritual break. I did exactly what I do not want God to do. I decided that I was tired of some situations and some hardships, and I put myself on a break. Crazy, Huh? Unlike many of us would do, while I was on break God still tried contacting me. HE still protected me and was there. He still tried to provide me encouragement and show me my purpose. But OH NO, I wasn't having that I WAS ON BREAK. I did not want to involve myself in anything else. I needed time to myself, well I thought I did.

The more and more I took this so called break and ignored him and my purpose, my break continued to turn into more work, trouble, and worry. My break was no longer a break but a fight against my destiny. I thought that I could go on vacation from life, and it turned out to be the worst thing I could do. I made excuses like I have to get my life right and then I'll follow him or what will people think if I become this self-righteous God fearing person. I was worried and afraid. I was afraid that I was too weak to fulfill my purpose. I was worried that those who knew me beforehand would feel that I was a hypocrite, and turn away from me. God was telling me that I should lead and be an encouragement for people. But I was like "who in the world would follow me." "I am not popular; I don't have that many friends." I wondered, "If I can't get my own few friends or family to follow me, how will I get people who are not my friends to follow me." I was thinking, "God You have the wrong person for the job."

But then hardship after hardship began to beat me down. I would go to him, but I wasn't sincere. I just wanted him to bring me out of some situations. I know God wasn't happy with me being a coward, or going on this self destructing vacation. No, he wasn't on vacation, but he was showing me how it would be if he was. So, I began to listen, but I wasn't moving fast because I still had fear. But one day I realized that God understands that the path to fulfilling our purpose will not always be easy. He knows that we may even stumble and fall, but he will pick us up, dust us off, and put us in a place where it will seem we never fell. So, I am currently trying to fulfill my purpose and I am not as worried about my plight. I know someone is listening and someone is being encouraged. My goal is to reach millions, and one day I know that will come.

So, I leave you with this. DON'T allow life's situations to push you to take a break from GOD. He doesn't want us hurt, lost, or alone. Also, listen to him, and when he tells you to do something, do it regardless of you fear because he will never lead you to the wrong places. When in doubt or feeling a little weary, Imagine calling on him and he say's "I'm on vacation, I'll call you later."

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