Monday, February 2, 2015

Slow Down & Cherish Each Moment

My heart is heavy and so I decided to write. This morning I learned that a 23 month old baby boy passed away from severe burns, while his mom and mom's boyfriend sits in jail facing felony child abuse and neglect charges. The baby boy happens to be one of my son's classmates at aftercare. I don't know the details, but I know that my heart aches for the families involved. Incidents such as this make you think about your own child or children. It makes you wonder if you are giving them the best life possible, or if you hugged them tight enough before you left them, or did you tell them you loved them.

I know this morning my mind is not settled and I just think about the innocent life. Children are truly blessings and sometimes we unintentionally forget that. Sometimes we get so caught up into life and routines that we don't always take the time to cherish the small moments. I never want to experience such tragedy, and I never want to wonder if I hugged my love bug enough, if I kissed him, of if he knew that mommy loved him.

Learning of this news, forced me to reflect over my life. I must admit every since my son was born I have been working hard and none stop to give him an awesome life. We have been moving none stop. I almost feel like in May he should walk across the stage with me. He literally listened to law school lectures while in the womb, he has tagged along with me to meet with professors, and he has had to endure me giving up mommy and son time to allow me to study. I never looked at things in this perspective until today. I always thought of it as I am doing what I have to do for us. Yes, I want an awesome future for my KING, but I don't want to sacrifice precious moments with him.

I realized that maybe I need to slow down, hug him a little longer and tighter, tell him I love him even more, and just be sure to take advantage of each day. I encourage all parents to hug your child or children a little tighter and longer today and from this point forward. Remember to take advantage of every second with your little ones.

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