Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Forgive, Forgive, and Forgive!!!

All of us have experienced being hurt, betrayed, lied to, or anything that has led us to hold a grudge. Sometimes we get so angry until we despise being in the same room with the person. Instead of dealing with the situation and moving on, we choose to bury the anger deep inside. We don't realize that we are giving that individual power over us and our emotions. We are holding ourselves back by not forgiving and just letting it go. If every time we think about this person and what they have done, we get mad then that means that we have allowed that person to negatively affect us. We should never give anyone the power to control how we act, react, or feel.

I know it's hard to forgive when you are constantly reminded of the event that caused you to be angry or hurt in the first place. Although you may be hurt or upset, you have to remember that we hurt God often, but he doesn't hold a grudge. He forgives us and continues to give to us abundantly. How can we expect God to ever be so forgiving of us, when we hold a grudge until God knows when. Some of us are holding on to grudges from 10 years ago. The person we are angry at, probably has forgotten all about the situation. That person probably has moved on and isn't given any thought to what we are mad over. This is why we need to learn to forgive and move on.

No, I want say that you must forget about the situation, but we must forgive. I firmly believe that it is okay to remember that situation as long as you have forgiven and do not let it control your feelings and emotions. The situation should be viewed as a lesson learned. Think about what you learned and how you grew from the situation. You know now never to make the same mistake or allow the same behavior. Think about it, you are smarter now. So, forgive the person and thank them for making you a better person. And do not worry if they care or accept the apology. That part is solely on them. Once you do your part don't worry about the rest.

So remember to forgive, forgive, and forgive as much as you need to. Trust me, each time you will grow and become wiser, stronger, and much happier. You will no longer be holding on to hurts and pains from the past. You will feel free. So, each time you feel yourself holding a grudge, remember how you mess up or fall short, and how God forgives without thinking twice.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

"If You SAY SO"

I know most of us have heard of "the power of the tongue" or "speaking things into existence". I know some of us may not even realize the power in those words. I know I didn't really understand the power that God had given me. The reality of those words came to me on this morning. Most mornings I need a boost or uplifting, so usually I search for songs, quotes, or even small sermons to give me a push. It's like my morning coffee. This morning I stumbled across a sermon titled "saying so". It caught my attention because I was wondering, "What could this possibly be about"? As I listened, I realized that the pastor was discussing "SPEAKING THINGS INTO EXISTENCE." At that moment I knew that God sent that message to me because today is day two of my detox and the theme is "changing the way you think".

As I listened to the sermon, I realized that I had all of the tools I needed already to fix my situations, to heel, to accomplish my goals, and to do everything that is pleasing to God. He had already given me the answers, and I was ignoring them. I guess I am so used to thinking about all of the negative, and allowing past situations to determine what I thought or predicted about future situations. I need so badly to change the way I think; I need a renewed mind. Instead of looking at the worse in situations, I need to look at the positive and learn to be in control of situations. Many times I would be so negative and declare that the worse things would happen, and the worse would happen. For instance, some mornings I would wake up and declare a long and awful day. Guess what, my day would be the worse. If I learn to speak good things, and stay positive even when I face adversity, I will see so much change in my life.

I am not saying that when you speak good things, you will never face a trial or tribulation. I am saying that we need to start speaking blessings into our lives. When you feel down, declare and claim a better mood. When your relationships are failing, don't just say it'll never get better. Sometimes we get caught up in looking at how big our problems are when we should be talking about how big our GOD is. He can fix, change, repair, bring together, and bless any situation. We have to learn to have faith, work at it, and speak positive things in our lives. Let's get out of the habit of dwelling in our hurt and feeling sorry for our situations. Let's renew our minds, and start to speak ourselves out of our trying times.

Remember, nothing is to big for God. Just because we face trying situations does not mean we have to remain in them. Let's learn to have faith and to speak our way out of our trials and tribulations. If you can say it, it can happen. If you don't remember or take anything from this post, remember the phrase "If You SAY SO".

Monday, January 5, 2015

Let's Face It TURNING AWAY should not be that hard

Today is the first day of the Spiritual Detox and the theme is "Identifying Toxins". The song that immediately came to mind was Turning Away by Bryan Wilson. The chorus portion of the song says : "I’m turning away from the things that I do that I know aren’t pleasing in your sight"
"I’m turning away from the messed up mindset and the things that I know aren’t right"
"I’m turning away from the past the hurt and shame, all the things that had me bound".

I listened to the song a couple of times this morning, and then I began to think about the toxic people, behaviors, and things that I needed to turn away from. There was one thing that was at the top of my list, and I didn't have to think twice about it. There are some things that we know are not good for us, but we hold on foolishly. I know that God has sent me so many signs and signals to rid my self of things, but many times I did not listen. I resisted and I allowed the toxin to become stronger and stronger. The more I resisted the harder it became to get rid of the toxin. I was allowing the toxins to control me. I started making excuses and feeling sorry for myself, when I was the one responsible for my current situation. I started feeling stuck, but I shouldn't have felt stuck.

For instance, the song says "I'm turning away" not Lord, I am stuck, I want to turn away or I am trying to turn away. The artist is speaking about doing it. We have a choice. When something is not pleasing to God and it is destroying us spiritually, emotionally, physically, or mentally, we need to turn away from it. Don't empower the toxins and allow the toxins to play tricks on your mind. The toxins will have you thinking that you are not strong enough to turn away, when really you are. Think about it. We all do things that we probably shouldn't do. Some of those things may even feel soooo right, but we know its not good for us. Guess what, we still do it. At that moment, we were turning away from logic, we were turning away from what's good for us, and in a sense we were turning away from God.

If we can turn away from God who is responsible for providing all our needs, then surely it should not be hard to turn away from something that doesn't mean us any good in the first place. Step out on faith and get rid of the toxins. Turn away from it and choose what's best for you. I am going to listen to my own advice and get rid of the toxins that were on my list, and I hope you will too.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

I am SOOO Glad that God doesn't take BREAKS!!!

Imagine being in a situation and you called on God and he said "hey pray to me later, I am on lunch break." You wait 30 mins or 1 hour, and begin to pray again. This time he doesn't even pick up. Maybe you get the voicemail. Maybe he rejects the call. He calls back minutes later and says "Oh, I was running late from my break, now I can help you." I know this would cause us to go through several different emotions, and I am sure we would not feel that important. We may even feel abandoned during that lunch break. But, Guess What? We do it all the time. I know I do.

At work, when I get tired of staring at two computer screens or looking at records, guess what I go on break. When I get tired of studying and the words begin to run together, I go on break. Whenever I get hungry, I go on a lunch break. Truthfully, a few months ago (I probably should phrase that better because it has been longer than two months) I went on a spiritual break. I did exactly what I do not want God to do. I decided that I was tired of some situations and some hardships, and I put myself on a break. Crazy, Huh? Unlike many of us would do, while I was on break God still tried contacting me. HE still protected me and was there. He still tried to provide me encouragement and show me my purpose. But OH NO, I wasn't having that I WAS ON BREAK. I did not want to involve myself in anything else. I needed time to myself, well I thought I did.

The more and more I took this so called break and ignored him and my purpose, my break continued to turn into more work, trouble, and worry. My break was no longer a break but a fight against my destiny. I thought that I could go on vacation from life, and it turned out to be the worst thing I could do. I made excuses like I have to get my life right and then I'll follow him or what will people think if I become this self-righteous God fearing person. I was worried and afraid. I was afraid that I was too weak to fulfill my purpose. I was worried that those who knew me beforehand would feel that I was a hypocrite, and turn away from me. God was telling me that I should lead and be an encouragement for people. But I was like "who in the world would follow me." "I am not popular; I don't have that many friends." I wondered, "If I can't get my own few friends or family to follow me, how will I get people who are not my friends to follow me." I was thinking, "God You have the wrong person for the job."

But then hardship after hardship began to beat me down. I would go to him, but I wasn't sincere. I just wanted him to bring me out of some situations. I know God wasn't happy with me being a coward, or going on this self destructing vacation. No, he wasn't on vacation, but he was showing me how it would be if he was. So, I began to listen, but I wasn't moving fast because I still had fear. But one day I realized that God understands that the path to fulfilling our purpose will not always be easy. He knows that we may even stumble and fall, but he will pick us up, dust us off, and put us in a place where it will seem we never fell. So, I am currently trying to fulfill my purpose and I am not as worried about my plight. I know someone is listening and someone is being encouraged. My goal is to reach millions, and one day I know that will come.

So, I leave you with this. DON'T allow life's situations to push you to take a break from GOD. He doesn't want us hurt, lost, or alone. Also, listen to him, and when he tells you to do something, do it regardless of you fear because he will never lead you to the wrong places. When in doubt or feeling a little weary, Imagine calling on him and he say's "I'm on vacation, I'll call you later."

Friday, January 2, 2015


About two weeks ago, I decided to dine in at waffle house for lunch. As I entered the restaurant, I noticed that it was busy and I had two options, sit at the bar or sit in a booth alone. As I walked over to the booth I noticed a sign that said please leave booths for 2 or more people. In an attempt to follow directions I moved to the bar. As I sat down, I heard the waitress say "I want be getting a good tip, I'm ready to go I hadn't made no money all day." I pretended I did not hear it because at this point I just want to order my food, eat, and return to work. Yes, I was bothered by her comment, but that was a battle that I did not have the time or energy to fight. I could have easily snapped at her, left the restaurant, or gave her an evil side eye. I didn't; I chose to take another route. When she came for my drink order she said "What ya want to drink"? I responded, "Hi, How Are You? I Will Like a Sprite Please. Thank You." She just walked away and proceeded to fix my drink. She came back and asked "What ya getting"? I replied pleasantly with my order, and followed up with a Thank You. She walked away again, not acknowledging my thank you.

An older man came to sit next to me, and it appeared that he had already ordered his food. She quickly came to ask him how he was doing. I looked amazed. Is this the same person who would not greet me, and who had assumed that I would not leave a decent tip? She went as far as telling this guy about her day and inquiring about his day. I still didn't get angry. So she brings me my food, and I say thank you again. No surprise, she says nothing. She brings the guy next to me his food and she says "Enjoy your meal sir, and if you need anything let me know." By this time, the angel is on my right and the devil is on my left. I hear the devil saying, "don't let her get away with it; forget being nice." Fast forward. We both are about done with our meal, when another waitress approached me and noticed my name badge from work. She says, "Ma'am, you work at the Supreme Court"? I said yes, I do. She proceeded to ask if I am an attorney, and I tell her no, but I am in my last year of law school. She goes on to tell me that she is in school to become a paralegal and that she is proud to see someone young doing such thing. We talk for a few more minutes.

By this time my waitress returns, and slides my ticket on the table. I get up and head to register to pay. Guess what, she doesn't even attempt to check me out. She tells the other waitress, "Check her out, I am trying to clean this up." I know she is probably mad because I didn't leave a tip on the table because I didn't have any cash. When the "nice" waitress swipes my card and give me the receipt I asked, "Will my waitress receive the full tip if I leave it from the card." She said yes. My bill was only $10.60 and I left a tip of $10.00, making it a total of $20.60. After handing the receipt back I say to my waitress, "I heard you say that you were having a bad day, I hope this helps." She looks shocked and I tell them to have a good day and leave. Oh, let me remind you that the older guy left a tip of two dollars.

I say all of this to say, don't judge people based on there appearance. Treat everyone the same because you don't know a person's situation, capabilities, financial status, or anything about the person. Don't cast judgment on a person because of what you may think they are, give them a chance. No, I did not go into waffle house to spend twenty dollars on a ten dollar meal. I really didn't have the money to spare. But for some reason God put it on my heart to be a blessing to her on that day. Yes, she treated me like crap and probably didn't work for the tip, but I needed to show her that you don't treat people wrong just because you have been wronged or is having a bad day. I could have easily treated her exactly the same, but I would have only been proving her right. She had already made up in her mind that I was going to be another patron who did not leave a tip. If I would have yelled, stormed out, or asked for another waitress she would have been correct. I left Waffle House feeling excellent, not because of the tip, but because I was able to control my reaction to a negative situation.

If you don't take anything from this post, remember these two things. First, don't let how others treat you determine how you will treat them. Second, treat everyone with respect because you never know when you will be dining with the KING himself.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Seven Day Detox!!!!

7 Day Detox
Day 1:
  • Theme: Identifying Toxins.
  • Why: Many of us diet and think about the foods and drinks that we consume. None of us will voluntarily drink something that is gross or disgusting. We should do the same with toxins that are not edible. We need to become aware of situations or things that poison our mind. A renewing mind and spirit makes for a better life. 
  • Exercise: Make a list (You don’t have to write it down) of all of the toxic or negative things that you do. This can be a behavior, certain people you associate with, or a habit (anything that is not spiritually healthy for you). 
  • Spiritual Exercise: Wake up five to ten minutes early and spend the time meditating, praying, or in silence. Use this time to claim a great day. 

Day 2:
  • Theme: Changing the Way You Think.
  • Why: Thinking negatively can determine the outcome in situations. When you think negative, you expect and accept negative. You begin to become accustomed to negative behaviors, negative thoughts, negative attitudes, and even negative people. You don’t see the bigger picture, which results in you most likely feeling sorry for yourself and situation. Instead of looking at the bright side of things and moving forward, you remain in the same predicament.
  • Exercise: Each time you feel angry about something, think about the positive. It happened, you can’t change it so think about the good that comes from it. Don’t let mishaps, misfortunes, or things you can’t control affect your positive thoughts.
  • Spiritual Exercise: Each time something does not go your way during the day, immediately stop and think about the good. This may require getting angry and going back and reflecting on the situation. 

Day 3:
  • Theme: Forgiving
  • Why: Holding a grudge. Oh, how easy it can be. You hold the grudge and the grudge soon takes over you. The situation or person gains control over you. You let the grudge control your behavior, emotions, actions, and sometimes your life. Letting will give you fresh air and a fresh start. It will allow you to move forward, while taking the situation and learning from it. You no longer have to deal with the grudge. that battle is for the other person. They no longer have control; you do!
  • Exercise: Think of situations that really hurt you whether a person hurt you or whether an unfortunate event occurred. Now, think about what you learned and the positive. Now thank God for that lesson or the situation. If a person hurt you forgive then and thank them for the lesson.
  • Spiritual Exercise: If there is someone that you may be holding a grudge with, speak with them and forgive them. Thank them for the learning lesson. Let go of the hurt, pain, and feeling of betrayal. If you don’t have the courage to speak with them write it down and then tear the paper up. Now that you have forgiven do not dwell on it anymore; the situation is now a thing of the past. 

Day 4:
  • Theme: Asking for Forgiveness
  • Why: Asking for forgiveness is hard because many of us don’t want to admit that we were wrong. This is needed because it shows your maturity and that you want to move forward. It shows the person that you are taking the initiative to admit your fault and that you understand you were wrong. 
  • Exercise: It is easy to think about things, people, and situations that have hurt us, but we don’t always acknowledge when we hurt others. Make a list, mentally or on paper, of people you have hurt. 
  • Spiritual Exercise: Choose someone that you know that you have really hurt and sincerely, wholeheartedly apologize. Ask for their forgiveness. It would be great if the person accepts the apology and forgive you, but that is their decision. You are doing your part by asking for forgiveness.

Day 5: 
  • Theme: Don’t Be Scared; Fear Not.
  • Why: Fear is paralyzing. It can stop you right in your tracks. It can stop progression. Fear means that you are lacking faith. God doesn’t want us to go around fearing everything because that means that we do not trust him. Let go of the fear and worry and trust and have faith in God. 
  • Exercise: Think about things that you are afraid of and that is preventing you from growing. It can be something small. Think about ways you can overcome that fear. Think about how overcoming the fear will allow you to grow or move forward. 
  • Spiritual Exercise: Face a fear head on. Take steps to eradicating that fear. 

Day 6: 
  • Theme: Talk the Talk
  • Why: There is power in the tongue. You should speak positive things into existence. Stop discussing the bad things and talk about the good things to come. 
  • Exercise: Now that you have identified the toxins, started thinking positive, got rid of baggage by asking for forgiveness and forgiving, and said not to fear, it is time to speak positive. Speak positive into bad situations. Use your anger to speak positive instead of negative. Avoid speaking negative.
  • Spiritual Exercise: Compliment someone. Don’t let it be a generic compliment. Give it some thought and make someone’s day by speaking of your admiration for them. 

Day 7:

  • Theme: Walk the Walk
  • Why: You can’t just think and talk forever. You have to do good works. You have to show that you are willing to be a Servant for God. 
  • Exercise: Now that you can think it and talk it, it’s time to do it. Think about positive things that you can do in place of the negative things. If something is going to drag you back to your negative way of thinking don’t do it. 
  • Spiritual Exercise: Gather with another individual or a group of friends and do something positive.