Thursday, February 12, 2015

Waiting with Expectancy!!!

After writing the blog post about working overtime, I received at text from a reader that said "WHAT NEXT?". I was confused at first, and then the person said "What do I do after I give God control and let him fulfill his plan. I didn't have an immediate answer. I was kind of stumped. So today, I remembered a sermon I listened to one day while driving to school, and the pastor spoke about waiting for God's blessings. He stated that we should wait with faith that God is about to make those things we have been praying for come to pass. I listened to the entire sermon, but I didn't quite get it. I knew that the sermon was a good one, and I knew that I needed to hear it. I just could not quite understand. What did the pastor mean about waiting with expectancy? What did he mean wait with faith?

I wanted to blog about the sermon, but I just could not get what he was saying. It wasn't until today that I was online browsing at something that I have been wanting and even trying to plan for. All of a sudden I saw something that was reassuring, and I really think it was a sign from God. I had looked at the same photos, but it was something different about the photo this time. So, it hit me. I understood what the pastor was saying. We have to wait for our blessings, and while waiting we have to show God we have faith that he is going to deliver.

Now that I understand, I realized that I had not been waiting with expectancy. I would easily get discouraged when I stumbled or it seemed that things weren't happening fast enough. I would even wonder if it was ever going to happen because it seemed to be taking so long. But with this attitude, it was never going to happen. I was questioning God's power. I wasn't waiting like I knew he was going to bless me. Instead, I was sitting around worried and wondering how I could possibly make it happen. I was failing to acknowledge the power of God, and relying on myself and other people to make something happen.

There are a few things that I have prayed and prayed about, and almost became discouraged about. Last night, I realized that I wasn't allowing God to make those things happen. I was too busy trying to be the superhero, and I suck at being a superhero. About a week ago, I was filled with excitement because I thought I was on the road to accomplishing one of those goals, and guess what, I was slapped with a huge disappointment. I told myself, "forget it and give up." But on last night I got confirmation from God not to give up. I must admit that even after the confirmation, I was still hesitant to be excited because of past disappointments. However, this morning I received further confirmation. So now I choose to stop questioning God and wait in expectancy.

So, I will leave you with this. When you have asked God about your plan, and you have relinquished control to him, wait in faith. Wait for your blessing as if you know God is going to make things happen soon. Show God that you know that he is powerful and that he can do all things. With this faith, God will really do some life-changing things.

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