Thursday, April 9, 2015

Praying for a 100 pound blessing, but only prepared to carry a 50 pound blessing

Last night I went to bed angry, although I know I should have prayed about the situation and went to bed peacefully. I let my frustrations control my emotions. Guess what? I woke up angry. I couldn't shake my anger and it felt overwhelming. I knew that I needed some time alone with God because I had to shake this feeling before I allowed it to ruin my entire day and possibly somebody else's day.

So, when I made it to work I couldn't get started on my tasks because my mind was in a million places. I put my earphones in and started to listen to Joel Osteen sermons. It wasn't working and I was getting angrier and angrier, until one sermon caught my attention. I listened and one thing struck me. He said that "we often pray for 100 pound blessings, when we are only prepared to carry 50 pound blessings." If he gives us the 100 pound blessing that we are not prepared for, it will become a burden. This is so true. We ask God for the world, but we are not really prepared to have the world. I realized that I have been asking God for all of these huge blessings, but I haven't finished preparing to receive it.

My preparation has come in the form of small tests and frustrations. God hasn't taken away the frustrations because he wants me to continue to work hard despite the trials. He wants me to be my very best despite my circumstances. He has given me the strength to endure the test and trials, but yet I get angry because I have to go through it. I should stop pouting and being angry that I have to face these tests and trials, and go through it knowing that God has given me the strength.

There are some things that God has placed on my heart to do, but I put them on the back burner because I was focused on being blessed with things that I had been praying diligently for. I know that many of us are guilty of saying things like, "God if you bless me with this I will do this." I know I do. It doesn't work that way. God wants us to do the work to gain spiritual strength. So, now I know that instead of being frustrated about the small tests and frustrations in my life, I should be focusing on being a blessing to others. I will start following and being obedient to the things that he is placing on my heart.

So the point of this is to encourage you to obey God, and go through the tests and trials. He is only preparing you for that 100 pound blessing that you are asking for.

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