Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Stop working OVERTIME trying to Change something you have no control over

Control is something most of us want to have over our lives. We work hard to accomplish our goals and live out our dreams. We usually have a plan for our lives and we work day and night trying to fulfill the plan. Sometimes we get so focused on the plan until we forget to ask God if that's the plan he has for our lives. Not acknowledging God's plan will result in a long struggle in trying to accomplish a plan that may not even be what he has in mind for us. We have to be very careful with thinking that we have control over our own lives because when we act this way it leads to unnecessary stress and worry. Sometimes the very thing that we work hard to make us happy, is the same thing that the devil will use to make us unhappy, worry, or stress. But when we give God complete control over our lives this does not matter.

So, let me break this down because it took me some time to understand. Many of us have goals or dreams of getting married, buying a home, getting a business off the ground, getting a promotion, having kids, or whatever goal or plan we have made for our lives. We stress and slave trying to make these things come to pass. Often times when we are not accomplishing these goals we go through each day worrying and working harder than we probably should be. I know I have always busted my butt trying to work toward a plan that I didn't get God's approval of. I have been trying to control my life, when I could easily put things in God's hand and do my part and be much happier.

You see, life can be very stressful and challenging. Life has many roadblocks. Life has traps. We will stumble over some of those roadblocks, and we will fall in many of those traps. All of this is okay because it's a growing and learning experience. This does not mean that we should go through life angry, bitter, and worried about fixing things that God can fix in record time. We have to learn to stop letting our plans, goals, and dreams determine our happiness. I know it's hard being happy when your finances are out of whack, the kids are acting like little hoodlums, you have been overlooked for a well deserved promotion, or your spouse or significant other just want get it right.

GUESS WHAT??? You can not go through life being miserable, unhappy, or feeling sorry for yourself. You have to learn to show God and yourself that you can be happy and thankful for your current situation. You have to release control to him. Releasing control does not mean that you are just verbalizing it. It means that you will stop working overtime trying to make it happen, just do your part and nothing else. You will stop worrying about it. Finally, you will show God you can be genuinely happy with where you are. When you release this control, God will go to work and you will start to see amazing things happen. He may even make the plan you had for yourself come to pass, but if that plan doesn't come to pass he will give you something even greater.

So, I will leave you with this. I understand that most of us are naturally independent people, and we work hard to have and maintain a good life. I also understand that it is scary not knowing or having control over our lives, but we should not fear when GOD IS IN CONTROL. God wants us to trust him and place our worries and woes in his hand. When we do this he can go to work. So, give god control over our plans, and STOP working overtime on things that we were never designed to CHANGE or CONTROL.

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