Wednesday, January 18, 2017


I’m sure most of you have heard of the “Power of Prayer”. If you grew up with grandmothers like mine, you probably heard it a million times. Although we have heard the saying, it doesn’t mean that we understand the saying. I know that I didn’t completely understand what it meant by the “Power of Prayer”. Now, before you think that I can’t comprehend or I am naïve to all the miraculous things that Jesus did, understanding what this means goes wayyyyyyyyyy deeper. Trust me, I have read about the miracles of Jesus, I have listened to preachers preach about it, I have listened to my great grandmother and grandmother testify to the miracles. I had heard about all of the things that Jesus could do, and how prayer and faith could deliver us from all things, but I still wasn’t quite getting it.

For some time, I read about prayer, how to pray, and how to pray through a breakthrough. I could never find a formula or a perfect explanation. You see, I am the type of student that requires a syllabus or some type of road map. I need to see the guide to ensure that I am headed in the right direction. I need examples that clearly outline what I need to do. Well guess what, the articles weren’t doing that for me. They weren’t giving me the guide that I expected. I would spend time engulfed in articles, hoping to find some type of clue to breakthrough prayers. Sadly, I must confess that I haven’t found that guide yet.

It wasn’t until I realized that there weren’t any magic words or script that I began to understand what it meant to pray. First, when praying you must be sincere. When you are sincere you are going to God with a pure heart and with genuine feelings. Remember that you can never trick God or deceive him, so go to him with a clean heart. Go to him with true intentions. Second, speak to God. Now this was hard for me. It was really hard for me to speak with him. It was hard because I was so used to going to friends and family with my issues until I didn’t realize that God was always there for me to converse with. I should have been more confortable conversing with God as opposed to conversing with man. Third, have faith that God has a plan for you and your life, and he is more than capable of doing all things. This may be difficult as well because many times the things that we are experiencing or praying for have the tendency of blurring our vision. Often we don’t see a resolution, so we don’t believe that there is one. Remember, JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN’T SEE IT DOESN’T MEAN THAT IT CAN’T HAPPEN. Maybe God doesn’t want us to see everything because then we will not work hard for it. Maybe he wants us to put our faith in him. Last, when you give it to God, leave it alone. Don’t keep worrying about something that you have given to God. Don’t be the type of person that gives something and want it back two second later. Why worry constantly? If you could have handled it, it would have been done.

After realizing that prayer was more than words. It was a lifestyle, a mindset, and a way of living; I began to understand the “Power of Prayer”. The “Power of Prayer” means (1) Creating a relationship with God (Constant dialogue with God), (2) Being sincere and honest, (3) Having Faith in God’s capabilities, and (4) Praying More and Not Worrying. After doing these things, God will begin to move things around in your life that once felt impossible to move. So my assignment to you is, learn how to pray. Learn how to pray with purpose. Most importantly, find the POWER IN PRAYER.

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