Thursday, September 17, 2015

Who Said There Couldn't Be Peace After A Storm?

They rushed into the bathroom because that was the only room without windows, so they figured that it would be the safest place to ride out the storm. They listened to the radio broadcast, and from the sound of it the storm was strengthening and getting close. As the storm progressed, their thoughts and emotions began to get the best of them. The wind, rain, thunder, and lightening became increasingly violent, and the family couldn't begin to imagine the damage the storm would cause. They weren't even sure if they would make it out of the storm. After about ten minutes (it felt like hours) the storm passed, and the family exited the bathroom to assess the damage. The storm had caused trees to fall, shingles from the roof to come apart, and a few power lines were down. For some odd reason, the family felt a sense of peace. The storm hadn't completely destroyed their lives like they imagined and at that moment everything was calm. This is how life's trials and tribulations are.

Whether it's a family tragedy, financial struggle, failing marriage, relationship, or friendship, sickness or disease, failing grades, unruly kids, or a combination of trying situations, life can throw some really low blows. We all go through storms much like the one the family experienced. During the storms our emotions are everywhere, our thoughts are scattered, and peace seems impossible. It feels like we have been in the storm forever, and we feel that giving up is the best option. It's also common for us to get angry with God, question God, or give up on trying God during these storms. I know during the mist of my storms I grew angry, bitter, sad, unappreciative, and so much more. I remember going to my special place (the shower) and breaking completely down. For the life of me I didn't understand why I had so many storms. It seemed like one storm would come and when I thought the storm was passing, another storm started. It seemed that my life story would be about storms. On this particular day, I remember talking to God and giving him the complete run down. I was angry and I wanted to know why me. Why did I have to endure such storms and such pain? Why did I have to be in this place? Why couldn't he just bless me with the things that I had asked of him? I just wanted to be successful, a good mom, and live a comfortable life. Was that too much to ask? What had I done to deserve all of this? After leaving the shower I didn't have an answer, and I wasn't seeking one at that point because I was angry.

It wasn't until I realized that I was failing miserably. I wasn't allowing the storm to change me. I wasn't using this time to become stronger. I was waisting time with a pity party. Instead of asking God to give me wisdom to understand my storm, and then strength to get through it, I was getting angry at him for trying to make me a better person. So, I started trying my hardest to remain joyful during my storms. Don't get me wrong, there are still times I feel down or discouraged but I continue pushing and trying. Each day that I try God helps me get through, and he also rewards me. When I stopped complaining and starting using the time to get closer to him, I started to see small blessings that reassured me that Greater was near.

So, I will leave you with this. We have to realize that our trials help mold us into stronger, better, God fearing individuals. We also have to realize that everyone has trials for different reasons. Never compare your trials to the trials or lives of others. Find joy in your trials, and use the time in the storm as a time to grow and become stronger. Most importantly, remember that there is PEACE after the storm.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

The FIVE Mile Race!!!!!

Imagine signing up for a 5 mile race that you prepared months for. You are hyped and know that you will master the race. You stand at the starting point and do a few stretches. You overhear others talking about their fears of not finishing and not preparing enough. You laugh because you know that you are more than ready. The gun goes off and you start off strong. You speed pass a little girl in a cute little pink tutu, with an adorable sign that says I heart #143. About a minute later you see a cute little girl in a little pink tutu with a sign that says I heart #143. Another minute passes and you are still running and you see the same thing. Then you realize that you are passing the same thing over and over. You aren’t getting ahead because you race forward only to be thrown back further. You are motivated and you don’t want to give up, so you work harder and harder to finish the race. You see those who didn’t prepare as much in front of you, and you just don’t understand. Then all of a sudden, when you are on the brink of sitting out of the race, you get a boost of energy and you finish the race. This is exactly how life can be when trying to accomplish goals or move forward in situations.

I think most of us can say that we are all works in progress, and we are not where or what we want to be. Some days we take a step forward only for something to happen and it seems that we take 100 steps back. It seems that you will never get to that end of the bumpy, twisting and winding, long road. Although the road seems endless, trust me, you are making some progress. The progression may seem mediocre to you, but it is beneficial. Very often we rush things or make comparisons to other people’s lives or progression. We must learn to focus on ourselves and learn to appreciate our obstacles. Our obstacles build us up. Each time we fall we should always get up and push forward. Getting up and moving forward builds stamina and strength. It gets us further down the bumpy road. Even if we have to start over ten times, each time we get further, and one day we will reach the end.

I am speaking from personal experience. I am not close to being where I aspire to be. I have so many goals and dreams that I think about daily. Some days I feel enthusiastic about them, and some days I feel defeated. Honestly, the defeated days seem to outweigh the enthusiastic days. I am my worst critic, and I often question the methods I have taken, and if I should choose other ways or options, but something in me doesn’t allow it. Today was one of those defeated days and it was mentally, physically, and emotionally crippling. For the life of me, I just couldn’t understand why things weren’t happening. Just like the person in the race, I had prepared (OVER PREPARED), and it seems that I am seeing the same little girl and sign every few minutes. Today, I was at the point of saying okay, let’s try something else, but I realize that things aren’t that bad. I am confident that things will turn around. I am confident that my hard will pay off. Although I can’t see it, feel it, hear it, smell it, or even imagine it, I know that the end of the race is near.

So, I encourage you to put on the biggest smile and each time you pass that cute little girl with the pink tutu and adorable sign, waive and say that the end is near, and you are not giving up.