Friday, October 31, 2014

Temporary versus Permanent

What is temporary? What is permanent? Are the two terms the same or are they different? So, I type temporary into Google. Google says temporary means lasting only a limited period of time; not permanent. Ok, so what is permanent? Google defines permanent as lasting or intended to last or remain unchanged indefinitely. Now that I look at each word they are completely different.

So, the point of this is not a vocabulary lesson. The point of explaining or defining the terms is to show that a person’s temporary (current) situation does not mean that it is the person’s permanent (future) situation. Many of us, including myself, become frustrated with life’s trials and treat our temporary situation as we would a situation of permanency. Yes, many of us dream of the cliché’ American Dream. I dream and hope for it myself. There is nothing wrong with wanting a happy marriage, nice house, nice car, beautiful family, dream career, financial stability, and even a family dog. However, we must face reality and not pretend as if our now situation is our future situation. Trust me, it’s ok to be unhappy with your current situation. Many of us are.

Speaking for myself, I am not where I dream of being. I struggle just like many, but it is OK. Many mornings I wake up and wonder “how did I get through yesterday?” I can only thank GOD for his many blessings and allowing me to get through my temporary trials, slip ups, misfortunes, or whatever we may call them. It took me some time to learn that the temporary predicaments were not necessarily a foreshadowing of what my future would entail.

Now that I have identified the type of situation, what do I do to get to the permanent? I strongly believe enduring the temporary and working through it is preparation for the permanent. Whether it’s school, a job, counseling, rehabilitation, or whatever else, we are being prepared for the next things to come. This may not seem like much motivation, but knowing this was and is everything to me. There were so many times I wanted to give up because I was just so tired of the obstacles and hard times. I wanted to get to the end immediately. I was tired of working toward this American Dream that appeared to be running away from me. I wanted to take it, (the American Dream) tie it up, and never let go.

Guess What? I’m being selfish. I am ignoring what God is doing and has done and asking him to drop something in my lap that he is not done molding me for. I am asking for something that I am not ready for. If he gives it to me today, what will I do with it? Would I forget my past struggle? Will I condemn others? Will I forget who gave me this blessing? I am currently “a work in progress.” I am being molded. I have been given opportunity after opportunity to get to the Great Ending (I refuse to say perfect). Each day a new door opens and a new leaf turns. I’m not there, but I am getting closer. Soon that American Dream will be too tired to run away from me. And GUESS what? I will be slimmer, faster, smarter, and prepared to capture it and embrace it. Until then I’ll allow myself time to prepare for that AWESOME DAY.

1 comment:

  1. I love it. That's a very nice start. I will make sure to support you and read every post
