Friday, August 21, 2015

The Day Facebook Taught Me a Life Lesson

I know when many of us log into Facebook, we are hit with pictures, statuses, happiness, conflict, arguments, laughter, and pretty much anything you can imagine. Sometimes those pictures and statuses make you question your current situation, your status in life, or even decisions that you make. Whether you want to admit it or not, Facebook has some sort of impact over you, whether positive or negative. Well, personally I enjoy seeing the pictures, successes, and accomplishments of others. It gives me a sense of confidence, drive, and hope. On the flip side it also gives me anxiety. What I mean when I say it gives me anxiety, is that it pushes me to move at a faster pace. It makes me push for my dreams harder, and to make them come to pass faster. Although this can be good, it can also be a bad thing because I begin to put deadlines on things that I was once showing patience for. I realized that I was giving God a deadline, and stressing because he wasn’t listening to my requested deadlines. I would become frustrated when something didn’t happen when I wanted or how I wanted until it was almost paralyzing. I just couldn’t understand why things couldn’t happen how I wanted them to happen.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am OCD when it comes to planning things. I am always planning parties, dinners for the next couple of months, vacation ideas with itineraries, weddings, business ventures, and everything else. So, I think you can imagine how disappointed I am when things don’t go according to the plan that I work day in and day out on. I almost act like a toddler having a temper tantrum when things aren’t going how I planned. To get over my feelings of disappointment I read, write, and listen to motivational music. I ran across something that stated that we have to learn to be content in our current state. When we are thankful for where we are, God can bless us with the desires of our heart. I understood what the statement was asking, but I didn’t know how to do it. I know many of us are guilty of this because life can throw some really low blows. Sometimes it is one low blow after another. So, many of us wonder how is it possible to be happy when we are dealing with so much stress and adversity. Trust me I understand that it is easier said than done.

It wasn’t until today, that I understood how I could show God my appreciation for where I am today, despite whatever I am dealing with. And guess where the lesson came from? It came from Facebook. I had been reading about a precious little girl who was dealing with some medical issues. Looking at her beautiful pictures and the strength that her and her parents exhibited was amazing. Each day they thanked God for his blessings and waited patiently for his favor. On today, I read an update and it broke my heart. The amazing little girl was now fighting for her life, and the family still depended on God to see them through. As I sat in tears praying hard for the little angel to pull through and for God to make a miracle happen, I realized the statement’s true meaning and how I was supposed to do it.

I realized that different people have different obstacles and trials. My trials may be nothing to the next person. Here I am selfishly being disappointed when there is someone facing so much more. I realized that even if God doesn’t meet my deadlines or give me what I have asked, I know that he has a plan for me. It’s time that I stop focusing on what I want, and start living like someone who God is blessing each day because he is. The lesson from all of this is to appreciate what you have and where you are. Don’t allow other people’s successes, fantasies, accomplishments, or fairytales cause you to forget the bigger picture. Remember that each day is a blessing, and learn to appreciate it. When you do this, life will be soooo much better.

I also ask that you pray for the precious little girl and her family as well. While I want go into detail or disclose her name, I ask that you pray that God comforts her, heels her, and gives her the peace that she deserves.